Different Approaches to Treat Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer, Cancer Care, Cancer Treatment, Oncology

Cervical cancer is caused when the cells of cervix start developing abnormally. This cancer type can be detected in the early stage, which allows for timely treatment and complete prevention.

Usually, cervical cancer is detected through PAP tests. A Pap screening helps in identifying the presence of cancer cell in the cervix. If the cancer is suspected following a Pap test, further diagnosis will call for a biopsy which confirms if the cell is cancerous and the early treatment plan can be designed accordingly.

When the cancer type is diagnosed early, it has the highest success rate as compared to other cancer types. There are different modalities available for cervical cancer treatment in Ahmedabad. However, the oncologist will choose the treatment based on your cancer stage, its type and your overall health.

Moreover, oncologists even consider the desire of a woman to have kids before determining the treatment type.

Let’s have a look at the possible treatment options available for treating cervical cancer: 


Oncologists recommend surgery as a treatment option for treating cervical cancer that’s in its early stage. There are early stage surgery types which can allow you to become pregnant. These surgery types include Cone biopsy (conization) and Radical trachelectomy.

Cone biopsy is also known as loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). This process treats the cancer cell by removing a chunk of cervical tissue which has cancer.

Radical trachelectomy, on the other hand, is the process of removing the cervix, a small part of your vagina, as well as the pelvic lymph nodes, without causing any harm to the uterus. This way, these surgery types keep the possibility of getting pregnant open.

When cervical cancer has reached its advanced stage, surgery process usually calls for the removal of the uterus. However, with the removal of the uterus, becoming pregnant no more remains an option. One such surgery type is hysterectomy, which can treat early-stage cervical cancer while also preventing its recurrence. Your oncologist will often recommend the below - mentioned types of hysterectomy: 

Simple hysterectomy: In this type of surgery, the oncologist removes the cervix and uterus along with cancer. This stands as an option available for the early-stage cervical cancer.

Radical hysterectomy: In the radical hysterectomy, oncologist also removes the uterus, cervix, part of the vagina as well as lymph nodes in the area along with cancer.

Another advanced stage surgery type is Bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, which treats cervical cancer by removing both the fallopian tubes and the ovaries.

Oncologists will generally recommend a minimally invasive surgery only when the cervical cancer is in its early stage.

For women who don’t have kids, and want to have a family, oncologists provide treatment options that can preserve pregnancy possibilities. However, this can only happen if cervical cancer doesn’t involve lymph node.

Radiation Therapy

Using high-powered energy waves, such as X-rays or protons, radiation therapy kills the cancer cells. Best oncologist in India and Ahmedabad may use radiation therapy as a standalone treatment or combine it with chemotherapy prior to surgery so as to shrink a cancer cell. It can even be combined with chemotherapy after a surgery in order to kill the remaining cancer cells. Oncologists give radiation therapy in two different ways. It can either be administered externally or internally by placing a device containing radioactive material in your vagina.


It makes use of medications, which are often injected into a vein, for killing the cancer cells. Oncologists combine low chemotherapy doses with radiation therapy, as chemotherapy is known to improve the radiation therapy effects. Chemotherapy is used in higher doses to control cervical cancer that’s in the advanced stage and may not be curable.

Once the treatment modality is chosen and executed, the best oncologist in India and Ahmedabad recommends regular health monitoring. This helps in knowing if the cancer cells have completely been destroyed.

At Shalby Cancer & Research Institute, our multidisciplinary team works together to diagnose and treat women with cervical cancer and provide them with the high-quality, integrated care. Our team of best oncologists follow a patient-centric approach and always consider the extent of cervical cancer when recommending the most appropriate treatment. Using their expertise, they carefully consider and choose the treatment option that is effective enough to allow the patient maintain an improved quality of life along with good survival rate.


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